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Interested in becoming an A+ Angels mentor? Anyone can apply to become a mentor.

Program Details to learn about the commitment

Become a Mentor to take the first step.

Mentoring Since 2003

In 2003, two East High parents, Jessica Pearson and Caren Press, created the A+ Angels Mentor Program to pair selected students with volunteer mentors who offer guidance, support and encouragement, as well as help with academic and life skills. 


Mentors meet with their students weekly in a structured class setting and communicate with them throughout the week as often as is comfortable for both. The goal is a durable and trusting relationship that will provide a steadying influence throughout the often turbulent high school years.


Since its inception, the program has had over 700 mentor-student pairs. Learn more about how to become a mentor.


About East 

East High School is the #1 non-selective high school within the Denver Public School (DPS) system. It has received the District's highest 'Distinguished' rating.


With over 2,500 young women and men, East has a diverse student body, including 22% Hispanic, 20% African American, 9% multi-race, 3% Asian and 1% Native America students. Eight-four percent of the graduating class of 2017 pursued post-secondary education. The athletic teams, the East High Angels, are highly regarded and often champions in their leagues.


© Copyright 2015-2023 by A+ Angels Mentor Program, East High School, Denver, CO

Contact Us


A+ Angels Mentor Program

East High School

1600 City Park Esplanade

Denver, CO 80206

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