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After Graduation

Students have options after graduation. While we focus on college, be alert to other possibilities and encourage your student to focus on a positive future.


For students focused on college, the selection and application process can often be overwhelming. While students work closely with their counselors and others, you can help your student "connect the dots" and make sure they are on track for achieving their dream of a college education.


Your student should begin thinking about the college application process during the fall of junior year, if not sooner. You will play an important role in helping your student navigate the post-secondary planning and college application process. Use the information on this page to be introduced to the pieces in the basic process.


The Common Application

The Common Application, is a non-profit membership organization that provides a college admission application students can use to apply to the over 500 member colleges and universities. This means that a student can fill out the Common Application and send it to as many of the of the member colleges and universities at one time--a huge time-saver! Students write a draft of their personal essay for the Common Application in English class junior year. You may wish to help your student develop this essay over the summer. See also College Search Engines.


College Search Engines

There are many search engines available. We've compiled several here, including specialized ones for two-year and minority-specific.


Maia Learning

Maia Learning is a college and career readiness program that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals. East establishes a Maia Learning account for all students. Students use Maia Learning to request letters of recommendation and submit college applications. Ask your student to show you their Maia Learning page - there is a wealth of resources available that students do not always take advantage of! 


FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

FAFSA is the form used by the U.S. Department of Education to determine eligibility for federal, state and college-sponsored financial aid, including grants, educational loans, and work-study programs. Students must complete FAFSA to be considered for Federal financial aid. More information about FAFSA and college finance.


Standardized Testing

All freshmen will take the PSAT9 in April during school hours. Sophomores will take the PSAT, and Juniors will take the SAT free of charge. The school-provided test does not include the writing portion, which many colleges wish to see. Students may register for the SAT, with writing, on their own. Registration fee waivers are available from the EHS Counseling Department. More information.


"First Gen" College Applicants

A student is considered a first-generation college applicant if neither parent has a post-secondary degree. Many A+ Angels students are "first-gen" and can use the designation to their advantage as many scholarships are geared toward this demographic. Students often take pride in being the first in the family to pursue a post-secondary degree and may highlight this in their personal essay for college applications. A "First Gen" recognition on college applications may be an advantage to your student for college admission and scholarships.


Scholarships and More

Each year, students miss out on scholarships because they don't meet application deadlines or didn't know about a scholarship in the first place. Mentors can help manage this time-consuming process. Start with this list of scholarship search engines, opportunities for minorities and financial planning tools.


"Life After East" Consultants

Life After East is a nonprofit group within East High made up of about 10 volunteers, many of them parents of current or former EHS students. They provide post-secondary planning assistance tailored to each student's specific needs. However, students receive the same information during 7th period Junior/Senior Academic Success Class with Aimee.


Other Post-Secondary Opportunities

Mile High Youth Corps. A Denver-based nonprofit that gives youth ages 16 to 24 the opportunity to "earn an income and learn hands-on job skills while services their communities." MHYC engages over 200 youth each year and serves communities throughout the Denver Metro Area and Southern Front Range with the mission to "help youth make a difference in themselves and their community through meaningful service opportunities and educational experience."  


AmeriCorps.A program of the Corporation for National and Community (a federal agency) that places thousands of young adults into intensive service position so youth can earn money for education, foster a strong work ethic, and learn to appreciate citizenship. 


© Copyright 2015-2023 by A+ Angels Mentor Program, East High School, Denver, CO

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A+ Angels Mentor Program

East High School

1600 City Park Esplanade

Denver, CO 80206

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