Since 1925, East High School has been an iconic landmark in the City Park neighborhood. In 1991, East was designated a Denver Historic Landmark. Notable alumni include actor Don Cheadle ('82), singer Judy Collins ('57), Academy Award winning actress Hattie McDaniel (1913), physicist aka “Father of Nano-electronics” Robert T. Bate ('49), beat generation icon Neal Cassady ('44), First Lady Mamie Eisenhower (1914), actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ('27), astronaut James Swigert ('49) and many more. For infornation on the rich tradition and history of East see this Denver Post article.
Introducing EHS
All mentors benefit from familiarity with how East is organized and how it functions. This list will get you started. East is a large and vibrant school, offering many different types of services. Also browse the East website for more information.
A Short List of Useful Information
School Calendar. The DPS academic year calendar is a handy reference for holidays, vacations and other non-school days.
Student Handbook. Your student has a copy of the East High School Student Handbook. It contains a wealth of information about East, covering such diverse topics as dress code, attendance and grading policies, disciplinary procedures, and much more.
Presence. East is an open campus. All students may go off campus for lunch. (Lunch is provided in the Commons, but few students eat there.) Freshmen and sophomores are expected to be on campus during class time, unless they have special permission, and may go off campus during the lunch period only.
Schedule. The Bell Schedule shows the times each of the eight class periods meet throughout the week. Wednesdays and Thursdays are "block days" with schedules different from the other days.
Tardiness and absences. Fifteen or more tardies or absences are considered excessive and may result in disciplinary action.
Breakfast. Free breakfast for all students is provided in the main lobby, from 7:00 to 7:30 a.m.
RTD bus passes. Bus passes may be purchased from the Treasurer's Office. Discounted passes are available to qualified students through the Student Assistance Fund (Library).
Athletics. East supports a full complement of athletic opportunities. Students with two or more Fs, at any point during the season are ineligible to participate in sports.
Extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to balance academics with participation in clubs and other activities. Participation in Speech and Debate, and Theater, usually begins with enrollment in corresponding classes.
Student Financial Assistance. Depending on family size and income, your student may qualify for free or reduced lunch, books and school supplies through the Student Assistance Fund, Fee waivers for SAT, ACT and AP tests are available through the Counseling Office. ​
See Academic Resources for tutoring opportunities for students.