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Program Details

The A+ Angels Program matches students with adult volunteers to create a trusting relationship that supports the student through four years of high school -- and often beyond.



Mentors come from across the city and represent a wide range of ages, experiences, interests and professions. The main requirement to be a mentor is an interest in helping students and a commitment to the program. (Like all Denver Public School volunteers, mentors must complete a background check.)


The relationship requires patience and dedication: many students need help studying, organizing, and maintaining a positive attitude about school. Some students have mixed feelings about getting help.


Mentoring costs nothing but your valuable time. However, mentors might want to treat their students to lunch, activities, school supplies and other things outside the family's financial reach. The Program neither encourages nor restricts such generosity. 



During Freshmen Orientation Night at East spring semester, students and their parents apply for the A+ Angels Program. The majority of students selected for the program have demonstrated regular attendance, have mid-range standardized scores and grades, and show a desire to have a mentor. 


The Commitment

The mentoring relationship is intended to last throughout all four years of high school, though circumstances sometimes prevent that. Students who stay active with their mentor until graduation receive a $1,000 educational award upon registration to a post-secondary institution.


During the freshman and sophomore years, you will meet weekly during Academic Success Class (ASC), from 8:20 until 9:55 a.m. (ASC for freshmen and sophomores meets on Wednesdays) The Junior/Senior ASC is on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:35 p.m. 



The A+ Angels Mentor Program will support you along the way. The program provides:

  • A training session before school starts

  • A weekly email newsletter

  • Resources and information on this website

  • Support from the program director

© Copyright 2015-2023 by A+ Angels Mentor Program, East High School, Denver, CO

Contact Us


A+ Angels Mentor Program

East High School

1600 City Park Esplanade

Denver, CO 80206

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