New Mentors -- Start Here!
Whether you've been a parent of teenagers, or new to working with them, as a mentor you will make a difference to a student who might otherwise fall through the cracks. Keep in mind that your student is a teenager. Teens can be forgetful, evasive and elusive. Be patient and forgiving as you help them become responsible and accountable.
This information will get you started mentoring at East. Please read it in its entirety. For a general introduction to mentoring, you may wish to peruse Building Relationships, a comprehensive publication from the National Mentoring Center.
The weekly A+ Angels Newsletter is emailed to you each Sunday evening. This newsletter is the Program's main way to communicate with you. Be sure Aimee has your preferred email address.
Each newsletter issue contains important dates, helpful tips, events and activities, and inspiring stories.
A+ Angels Classroom Sessions
First meeting. You will meet your student for the first time at the weekly A+ Angels Academic Success Class (ASC). See the weekly A+ Angels newsletter, sent on Sunday evenings, for your first meeting.
Weekly Meeting. The A+ Angels Mentoring class meets daily in Room 219. Freshmen and sophomores meet with mentors on Wednesdays from 8:20-9:35; juniors and seniors meet with mentors on Thursdays from 9:00-10:35. Basic rules for these sessions include:
​During class (whether at school or off campus), you will check grades, work on assignments, get organized, or just talk with your student.
Mentors whose student's parents have signed the "Local Excursion Agreement" may take their student off campus, but must always pick the student up from the classroom and escort them back to the classroom by the end of the class period.
If, for whatever reason, you cannot attend a session, please let both your student and Aimee know.
Meeting the Student's Parents. You will meet your student's parents, if available, at the A+ Angels Dinner after the school year begins. The date and place will be announced in the weekly mentor newsletter. See Common Questions for information on your relationship with the student's parent.
Good places to meet during the weekly class period:
​Library (3rd floor)
The Common/Lunchroom (1st floor)
Counseling Office (Room 226)
Starbucks (2975 E Colfax, two blocks East of the school) or other nearby establishments. (Requires a completed Background Check and Local Excursion Agreement. See Aimee.)
A+ Angels Math Tutoring. Every Tuesday, A+ Angels math tutors work one-on-one with current concepts from the student's math class. Math tutors are A+ Angels volunteers. See Aimee if you, or someone you know, are interested in becoming a math tutor.
Meeting outside of class. You and your student may meet as often as you like throughout the school year and summer. Though not expected, mentors have taken students on hikes or sporting events, to a cultural event, on college tours ... whatever you and your student like to do together.
Grades and Studying
Study skills. Most students in the Program lack study skills. See Study Tips for ideas.
Infinite Campus is an online system for Final Grades, attendance, behavior, student information, and transcripts.
Schoology is an online platform for all of the student's classes, assignments, and Current Grades. You will check this with your student on a weekly basis. Please use your student's computer to access this information, not their phone, so that you can learn how to navigate. This is an extremely important tool!
Contacting teachers. Feel free to email your student's teachers any time with questions about assignments, your student's performance, or general concerns. You can find a teacher's email on the Staff Directory on East's website.
Study tables meet after school in the library (3rd floor) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 3:45 to 5 p.m. Students can get one-on-one help from a Math, Spanish, Science, English or Social Studies teacher.
Tutorials are available every Thursday from 3:30-4:00 p.m. as part of the normal school day. During tutorials, teachers are available to meet one-on-one with students in their respective classrooms. Students can get an assignment explained, make up a test, or get advice about grades.
Other Ways to Help
Financial support for bus passes, books and test fees, go to the Student Assistance Fund office in the Library.
Mentor support. While not expected, mentors are free to purchase materials, books, registration fees, athletic costs, outings or other items for their student. Do not feel any obligation to do this. Always do what is comfortable for you.
Internet help. Don't assume your student has computer competency.
​Navigation. Watch your student use the Internet to assess their understanding. Fill in gaps as you can.
​Saving documents. Students are encouraged to use Google Docs and save documents to their Google cloud drive.
DPS has provided all students with a gmail account: [StudentID]@gmail.com
Home access. Comcast offers low-cost internet access. More information.
Parent-teacher conferences. Though not required, your attendance at parent-teacher conferences is a good opportunity to meet with your student's teachers. Coordinate conference times with your student's parents. Conferences are scheduled through the East High website and fill up quickly. Watch your A+ Angels weekly email for notice of when scheduling has opened.​